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Version: 18.0

Introduction to Avolites Titan

Welcome to Avolites Titan! This manual aims to you tell you everything there is to know about operating your Avolites console.

If you're already familiar with using lighting consoles but new to Titan, the Quick Start section explains most common actions.

After that we try to take you through all the things you will need to know in the order that you're most likely to need them, so we start with how to connect up the console, then look at patching lights. After that we go through how to control the different attributes of the lights, then how to store frequently-used settings in palettes. Titan has some great built-in effects, so we look at those, then how to build a show by recording cues, chases, cue lists and timelines. Later there are sections on Capture Visualiser, the video integration system Synergy, help when running a show, remote control of the console from a phone or tablet, and system settings to configure how the console works.

Finally, we end up with a glossary which covers some of the lighting terms which get used in this manual, and also explains some of the terms which mean different things on other brands of console.

Happy programming!

Conventions used in the manual

Links or cross-references to a more detailed description are shown like this.

To help you find buttons and controls:

  • This indicates a physical button on the console
  • This indicates a softkey menu option on the touchscreen
  • This indicates an option in a context menu or a general touch button on the screen

Step-by-step guides are shown as follows:

  1. Do this.
  2. Then do this.
  3. Finally, do this.

Useful related information is displayed like this.