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Version: 18.0

The System Menu

The System menu is accessed by holding Avo and pressing Disk, or on Titan Go you can press the System button. Some older consoles are also fitted with a key switch or mode switch to get the System menu.

The options in this menu are separated from the other options on the console because you would normally only change them occasionally, or because they can have serious effects on the way the console works and you wouldn't want to change them accidentally.

Network Settings

This option sets up networking parameters for the Ethernet ports on the console - further details on how to control fixtures over a network are in the networking section.

DMX Settings

Allows you to configure how the console outputs DMX. This option is described in detail later in this chapter, in the DMX Output Settings section.

Network DMX Node Settings

Allows you to select how DMX will be output across multiple consoles or processing nodes - read more about Network DMX Node settings.

Synergy Settings

Sets up the Synergy software for linking to an Ai server, see the Synergy setup section.

TitanNet Security

This option sets how the console communicates with other Titan devices as a backup console, for more information see the Linking consoles for multi-user or backup section.

User Settings

The User Settings menu may also be accessed from Program mode: hold down the Avo button and press User Settings. See the User Settings section.

Key Profiles

Allows you to modify the functions of some buttons. See section the Key Profiles section.


The Wipe menu erases the current show. This is the same as the New Show option on the Disk menu, but is provided here for old fashioned Avolites users who are used to it being on the System menu.


Sets up the console for external triggering such as MIDI or DMX-in. This option is described in detail in the MIDI, DMX or audio triggering section.

Assign Masters

This option allows you to assign any playback fader to be a master fader. Various different types of master fader may be assigned. See section Grand Master fader and assignable masters for more information.

Console Legend

Lets you set the legend of the console, this is displayed in networking screens when you are linking the console to others.

Titan Telemetry

To help Avolites with software development and bug fixing, the console will report anonymous information to Avolites. This includes details about faults that occur, statistics on how long certain functions take, and usage of functions. This information is really useful for improving the software, however if you would prefer to disable it, click the Telemetry Enabled button to switch it to Telemetry Disabled. Telemetry information will only be sent in any case if the console is connected to the internet.

Display Setup

This option gives you a menu for enabling and disabling external monitor(s). If you don't have a monitor connected, set this option to "Disabled" to improve the performance of the console.