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Version: 18.0

User Settings

The User Settings menu may be accessed from the User Settings softkey on the System menu. You can also get it directly from any other menu by holding down the Avo button and pressing User Settings.

User Settings Window

A window will open showing the user settings, or you can also set the same options using the softkey options. User Settings are individual for each User and you can change the User from this screen.

Click on the i button for a help window on each setting.

Options are divided into categories on the softkeys or in the tabs down the left hand side. The default setting is shown in bold.


Chase SnapOn: the Next Step and Prev Step buttons will snap to the new state in chases
Off: programmed fades will be shown
This is the same function as the Snap button which features on some consoles.
Cue List SnapOn: the Next Step and Prev Step buttons will snap to the new state in cue lists
Off: programmed fades will be shown.
Clear Record MaskOn: the record mask is cleared back to All Enabled when you enter the Record function
Off: the record mask remains as you previously set it.
Copy CuesCopy Tracked Values: tracked values will copy when you copy a cue from a tracked cue list.
Don't Copy Tracked Values: only the values from the cue itself will be copied
Run Startup PlaybacksOn: Playbacks set to Startup in Options will run on startup.
Off: Disables startup playbacks from running. This option allows you to globally disable startup playbacks.
System Render Rate (Hz)Sets the output rate of DMX frames from 1-44 frames per second (default 40). You can reduce this if processing of a complex show is slowing down the console.


External DisplayOn: External display is enabled
Off: External display is disabled.
External Screen Workspace ShortcutsOn: Each screen has its own Workspace Shortcut buttons (shown down the side of the screen on external screens). This allows you to recall different window layouts separately on each screen rather than changing all screens.
Off: The Workspace buttons on the main screen control all screens.
Virtual HardwareAuto: Titan Go will automatically hide the virtual control buttons if a T3 or Titan Mobile is connected
Enabled: The virtual control buttons are always shown
Disabled: The virtual control buttons are always hidden.
Fullscreen ModeOn: The Titan Go application will be displayed fullscreen
Off: The Titan Go application will be displayed in a window.
  • The bottom two options are only shown when using the Titan Go application.
  • These options can also be set from System menu, in the Display Setup option.
  • You can also press F11 to change the Titan Go application to full screen display.


Lock Screen BackgroundSets a picture to be displayed when the console is locked.
Venue Mode WorkspaceSelects workspace (from softkeys) to be shown when console is locked.
Venue Mode PasswordIf set, allows staff to unlock the console into Venue Mode from fully locked
Programmer PasswordIf set, fully unlocks the console. "68340" will also always unlock the console.
Lock on StartupShutdown state: Console will start up in the lock state it was in when shut down.
Locked: Console will always start up fully locked
Venue Mode Workspace: Console will start up showing Venue Mode workspace.
(Programmer Password must be set for Lock on Startup to work)


Grand Master FaderOn: Grand Master fader is enabled (some consoles do not have this fader).
Off: Grand Master fader is disabled. This can be handy if it gets broken or if you wish to disable it to avoid confusing inexperienced operators.
Delete DefaultDelete: Items are deleted when you press Delete and double tap them.
Unassign: items are released from the handle and become unassigned - can be reassigned from the Show Library.
Prompt ReplaceWhen you try to save to a handle or playback which is already used
Always Ask: the console will always prompt Cancel/Replace/Merge
Always Merge: the console will never prompt and will just merge
Palettes Always Merge: the console will prompt Cancel/Replace/Merge unless you are saving a palette when it will just merge
Display HaloOn: Coloured halos are shown on buttons.
Off: Halos are not shown.
Fixture HalosCustom: Fixture buttons show user-defined halo colours if defined, otherwise no halo.
Auto: Fixture buttons are coloured using automatic fixture colours. See Halo
Handle ButtonsSets the default size of the touch buttons to Small, Normal, Large or Super Size.
This can be overridden separately in any window.
Text SizeSets the default size of the text used in touch buttons to Small, Normal, Large or Super Size.
This can be overridden separately in any window.
Playback PagingSets how the playback faders behave when you change page with a playback active.
Always Hold: - sets the standard behaviour for non-motorised faders where the fader keeps control of the active playback when the page is changed and has to be lowered to zero before a playback on the new page can be fired.
Never Hold: - the standard behaviour for motorised faders where the fader always relates to the current page. To regain control of a playback from another page you have to go back to that page and level match the fader (which is done automatically by motorised fader).
Normal: sets the normal mode for the console type.
When a playback is active from another page the display area goes purple and the page number is shown at the top in light blue.
Current Handle WorldSets the handle world - read more about Handle Worlds.

Key Profiles

Allows you to select and edit key profiles using the softkeys. See Key Profiles for more info.


Warn Before Parking FixturesSets the console action when you patch a fixture which overwrites the DMX channels of another fixture. This causes the overwritten fixture to be "parked".
Always: console will warn you.
Never: console will park the fixture without warning you. See Parked fixtures
DMX AddressSets whether the DMX address of fixtures is shown in the fixture touch buttons.
Auto GroupsSets whether the console will automatically create new groups for fixtures when you patch. See Auto Groups.
Preset PalettesSets whether preset palettes should be created when fixtures are patched. You can also turn this on when patching using the Create Preset Palettes softkey.
Do Not Create: no palettes will be created.
Create On Workspaces: palettes will be created in Colour/Gobo/Position workspace windows.
Create On Presets: palettes will be created on preset buttons. This option only works for Pearl Expert.


Tempo UnitsSets the units for displaying tempo, Seconds or Beats per Minute.
Connected View SetsSets the console action when you change the speed of a connected chase.
Speed: The console will modify the saved speed of the chase.
Temporary Speed: The console will not save the modified speed, and the next time the chase is fired it will go back to its programmed speed.
Preload TimeSets a fade time for the Preload function, default 2 seconds. This value would normally be set for quiet fixture movement.
Times FormatSelects between HH:MM:SS format and Seconds format. In HH:MM:SS format the console will convert any number you enter into hours minutes and seconds.
Compensate for Rate Grand MasterOn: When a tempo is tapped on a BPM master it will not be affected by the Rate Grand Master being set to less than 100%.
Off: Tempo will be scaled by Rate Grand Master.


Quick PalettesOn: Enables the Quick Palette recall function which sets a palette to all applicable fixtures if nothing is selected - see Quick Palettes.
Off: Quick Palettes are disabled. If no fixtures are selected, recalling a palette does nothing.
Minimum Palette ModeSets what type of palettes can be created when recording palettes.
Global: All palettes are stored as Global.
Shared: all palettes are stored as Shared.
Normal: All palettes are stored as Normal.
Add New Palette ChannelsOn: new channels added into palettes will output in playbacks using those palettes.
Off: new channels will not output. You can use this to force palettes to output in its original unedited state.
Auto LegendOn: New items will automatically have legends generated for them (colour scribbles for colours or descriptive legends for other functions).
Off: New items are given numeric legends.
Highlight Active PalettesOn: Active palettes are shown as highlighted in the workspace windows.
Off: Active palettes are not highlighted.
Filter Relevant PalettesOn: Palettes which do not contain settings for the currently selected fixtures will be greyed out.
Off: Palette buttons are not greyed out.
Master Palette TimeSets the default fade time to be used when recalling palettes live. See Master Time for Palettes for more information.
Master Palette OverlapSets the default overlap to be used when fading palettes.
Record Nested PalettesOn: Palettes containing other source palettes will be updated when you change the source palette.
Off: Nested palettes are not updated.
See Nested Palettes for more detail.
Preset PalettesThis is the same as the option in the Patching section, see above.


Default Playback LengthSets the default duration of a playback when first added to the timeline.
Timeline Skip LengthSets the amount of time the "skip forward" and "skip back" actions will jump by.
Display Frame RateThe framerate to be used for displaying timecode time. "Follow Source" sets the framerate to match the incoming timecode source.
Auto-SimplifyOn: Triggers will be automatically simplified after a live record
Off: Triggers will not be simplified.
See Auto Simplify for more detail.
Auto-Open ViewNone: No view will be opened when recording a new timeline
Timeline: The timeline graphical window will open
Timeline and Table: The graphical and table view windows will both open.


Channel LevelsSets how you enter channel levels when using numeric entry of levels
Set In Tens: enter one digit for the channel level, 5 = 50%.
Set in Units: enter two digits, 50 = 50%.
Number StyleSets how channel values are displayed in Cue View and Palette View.
Precise: will include all decimal places.
Rounded: round to nearest whole number.
Dynamic: show decimals where appropriate, remove trailing zeros.


Release To HomeOn: when the last active playback is released fixtures will return to home values.
Off: LTP channels will remain set.
Master Release TimeSets the default release time.
Release PriorityThe playback priority used with the Release menu or when running Release macros - Low, Normal, High, Programmer, Very High. Playbacks with priority below this level will be released by the Release All function (double press Release).
  • Setting Release Priority to Low can be useful to protect against accidentally turning off all playbacks by an unintended double press of Release - with this setting only playbacks set to Low Priority (if you had any running) would be released.

  • These settings can also be changed from the Release menu.


Auto Reset MaskOn: The Clear Mask will reset to include all attributes after every clear.
Off: The Clear Mask will remain how you last set it.
Zero Preset Fader LevelsOn: Intensity levels set on fixtures patched to fader handles will be zeroed and removed from the programmer when clear is pressed.
Off: Intensity levels will be will remain set but will be removed from the programmer.
Release to Playback ValuesOn: LTP channels will release to the values set in the last playback when Clear is pressed.
Off: LTP channels will not change when Clear is pressed.
Clear Cue TimesOn: Cue times in the programmer are reset to defaults when Clear is pressed.
Off: Cue times set in the programmer will remain.
Clear Rate SettingsOn: The rate settings in the programmer are reset to default when Clear is pressed.
Off: Rate settings set in the programmer will remain.
Clear DirectionOn: Direction in the programmer is reset to default when Clear is pressed.
Off: Direction set in the programmer will remain.
Clear Selected FixturesOn: Only fixtures which are currently selected will be cleared from the programmer when Clear is pressed. If no fixtures are selected then all fixtures are cleared.
Off: All fixtures are cleared from the programmer whether any are selected or not.
Action PrecedenceSets a two-stage action for presses of the Clear button:
Selection With Programmer: Any press of the button clears both the fixture selection and all fixture changes in the programmer
Selection Then Programmer: If any fixtures are selected, fixture selection is cleared on button press. If no fixtures are selected then the programmer is cleared.
Programmer Then Selection: If there are any changes in the programmer, then the programmer is cleared on button press. If there's nothing in the programmer then fixture selection is cleared.
  • These settings can also be changed from the Clear menu if you hold down the Clear button.


Fixture LEDsSets how the button LED behaves when a fixture is patched to a fader handle.
Show Occupation: The LED shows handle patched (dim) and selected (bright) state.
Mimic Intensity: The LED shows fixture intensity level.
The options below only function when Show Occupation is selected
LED Empty LevelSets level for unpatched handle.
LED Occupied LevelSets level for occupied but unselected handle.
LED Programmer LevelLevel if fixture is in the programmer.
LED Selected LevelLevel if fixture is selected.


Swop ShapesSets how shapes react to another playback being fired in Swop mode.
All Shapes: All running shapes from other playbacks are stopped.
Intensity Shapes: Only intensity shapes from other playbacks stop.
Shape BehaviourSets how Shapes and Key Frame Shapes combine with other playbacks.
Overlay: Shapes / Key Frame Shapes will overlay all other values.
LTP: Shapes / Key Frame Shapes will work in LTP mode where later changes will override the shape.
See Saving a key frame shape to a cue.


Kill Out of Range PlaybacksOn: Kills the playback if the incoming timecode is outside the timecode values included in the playback.
Off: The playback will remain active.
MIDI Device IDSets the Device ID when using MIDI show control commands.
MIDI Glitch DetectionOn: Enables the glitch options below.
Off: Glitch detection is disabled.
MIDI Glitch ToleranceSets the maximum amount of time a MIDI timecode can jump by without being seen as a glitch.
MIDI Glitch TimeoutSets the amount of time the console should ignore MIDI timecode for after a glitch has been detected.


Wheel SensitivitySet the sensitivity of the encoder wheels using Wheel A. Default 50%.
Pan & Tilt ThresholdOn: Enable Pan/Tilt threshold options below.
Off: Disable Pan/Tilt threshold options below.
Pan ThresholdSets the sensitivity of the Pan control if above option enabled. Larger numbers make Pan work slower. Default 5s.
Tilt ThresholdSets the sensitivity of the Tilt control if above option enabled. Larger numbers make Tilt work slower. Default 4s.
Auto ConnectOff: Chases and Cue Lists will not auto-connect to the wheels when the playback is fired.
Chases: Chases will auto-connect.
Cue Lists: Cue Lists will auto-connect.
Chases and Lists: Chases and Cue Lists will auto-connect.
Auto View on ConnectOff: Chases and Cue Lists will not open their Playback View window view when fired.
Chases: Chases will open their Playback View.
Cue Lists: Cue Lists will open their Playback View.
Chases and Lists: Chases and Cue Lists will both open their Playback View window when fired.
Press and Hold FanOn: Changes the Fan function so that it only works while the Fan button is held down. This avoids the common user error of leaving Fan turned on accidentally.
Off: The Fan button toggles on and off as normal.